German Meme Warns of Dangers to Elect Demagogue

Tomorrow is the day. So this might be a good time to consider that it’s not only Americans that will be affected by the vote.

In that sense, check out this awesome German meme.


Read all about the background and the reactions to the meme, in this article I just wrote for the Forward

Anti-Semitism and the Trump Trolls: A Timeline

Politico journalist Julia Ioffe gets put into “Camp Trump” in a hateful picture tweeted at her. 

While Donald Trump at times appeared almost poised during last night’s debate, there is no question that he has a history of hateful rhetoric.

And it probably comes at no surprise, that this hateful rhetoric has found  a lot of copy-cats on Twitter.

One favorite target among these Twitter trolls are Jewish journalists. And it didn’t matter if the journalists were liberal, conservative or even really Jewish, the so-called “alt-right” movement attacked them all.

I have recently compiled an interactive timeline of these attacks for the Forward, that you can look at here. For more about the scope of anti-Semitic trolling, click here.
