Anti-Trump Demonstrations Continue in New York

Slowly, but surely New York is waking up from it’s collective moment of shock and mourning.

In the meantime, many New Yorkers are tacking actions and protesting Trump and the values he stands for.  And even though Trump doesn’t seem to agree, peaceful demonstrations and marches are a powerful tool of democracy. So keep them coming!

Today – Saturday – two demonstrations are leaving Union Square to march to Trump Tower. One at noon, one at 9pm.


Meet you at Union Sq. at 12pm and march to Trump Tower (725 5th Ave) at 2pm.

Divided is the reason we just fell. We must unite despite our differences to stop HATE from ruling the land.

This is a peaceful protest. Violence/vandalism will not be tolerated


Exercise your right to free speech and PEACEFUL protest at Union Square Park this Saturday starting at 9pm! At 10 pm we will head to Trump Tower to join other protesters.

There is another protest earlier in the day, this is an opportunity for those who cannot make it to join in the fight. 
This is not about hate and anger- lets use our anger and frustration to show that our right to protest can make a difference when we do it the right way. No matter your reason for fighting back, make it there and make it known.