How to Talk Politics

I haven’t blogged much since the election (it is after all, an election blog), but with the inauguration mere hours away, I thought it’s time again.

I am in Washingthton, D.C, to report on the Women’s March on Saturday, and on my way here I witnessed a inspirational example of how you should talk to someone who doesn’t share your political opinion.

A single woman had a ticket to the inauguration, the rest was coming from NYC for the march. It’s was pretty clear that most of the people on the bus were pro-Hillary, when the Trump supporter got asked what she is in the city for. She answered: “I am from the other side as you guys.”

And then the woman across from her said, “No, I don’t think so. There are no fences.” It completely took the Trump supporter by surprise, and meant she could then have an actual conversation with the people on the bus instead of getting defensive or aggressive.

Kudos to the woman on the bus to D.C.