Night 1 of the GOP Convention

After some turbulence on the convention floor over a rule fight earlier Monday, the night was ready for some big speeches.

First up, where two B (C?)-list celebrities: Willie Robertson from Duck Dynasty and Scott Baio from Happy Days. wrote a perfect summary/analysis of their speeches:

 “This is exactly what Trump has been saying but not quite saying this whole campaign. Not that Barack Obama’s policies have led to an increase in Americans being killed by terrorists (more died under George W. Bush) or to an increase in the murder rate (it’s gone down) but to a loss of American identity. That the old America — the one before black presidents and same-sex marriage and political correctness — was the real America, and the new more tolerant and more open America is inauthentically American.”

The main speaker of the night was Melania Trump, Donald Trump’s wife. Melania has tried to stay out of this campaign as much as possible (Trump’s daughter Ivanka speaks much more often than her), but it’s traditional for possible First Ladies to speak during the convention.

Melania Trump did a a good job. That is, until the media realized that her speech sounded familiar. Very familiar.


Meet the Next First Family

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My NYU-classmate just wrote this cute guide: “Everything You Need to Know About the First Families of This Election” for Marie Claire.

So if you are dying to learn more about the better halves, children and grandchildren of the next president, check it out.

[Marie Claire]